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Terms & Conditions

General Terms & Conditon

·       Subject of these terms and conditions are the relations between Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “Swiss Paragliding”) and

·       Customer and Passenger (hereinafter referred to as” Customer “) for the performance of tandem paragliding flights (see Section A)


·       Buyer and Participant (hereinafter referred to as” Customer “) in relation to the brokerage of activities of Partner Companies (see Section B).


1.      Carry Out Paragliding

1.      Benefits, right to substitution


Swiss paragliding performs tandem hangglider and paraglider flights

The assignment of Swiss-paragliding to carry out a tandem hang-glider flight takes place with the right of substitution, i. Swiss Paragliding is entitled to have tandem hang glider flights booked via Swiss Paragliding carried out by pilots who are not employees of Swiss paragliding. These are also not considered auxiliary persons. In this case, Swiss Paragliding is not liable for acts and omissions of these pilots, but only for proper care in their selection and instruction.

2.      Contract

The contract concerning the execution of the tandem flight comes about with the registration / reservation and the acceptance by Swiss paragliding or with the voucher order. The confirmation of the booking by Swiss Paragliding can be made in writing, by phone or by e-mail. The flight fee has to be paid at the latest at the handover of the ticket before departure to the flight area. The special provisions on the online ordering of vouchers remain reserved (see Section C.1.). 

3.    Gift Voucher

Vouchers can be redeemed within the validity period of the voucher for all tandem flights of Swiss paragliding, even if a special flight area is designated in the voucher. Otherwise, the provisions of Section C.1 apply.

4.   Flight, duration of flight and landing site

The description of a flight on the website of Swiss-Paragliding is correct at the time of its recruitment. However, the content of the flight may be subject to change, with Swiss-Paragliding endeavoring to update changes in the general description. The photos, pictures and videos used in connection with the offered flights are only for the description of the respective flight. The illustrations are therefore not binding and may vary.The flight times indicated on the website of Swiss Paragliding are indicative. Swiss Paragliding does not guarantee flight duration. This depends on the weather conditions and may deviate from the times indicated on the website of Swiss Paragliding. The same applies to the designated on the website landing site. This can be freely selected by the pilot according to the wind and weather conditions. A shorter flight duration or the cancellation of a flight and / or landing on another landing site did not justify price reductions.

5.      Appointment

The date of the flight will be coordinated with swiss paragliding at short notice and agreed depending on suitable weather conditions. It is expressly pointed out that in spite of fixed deadlines, there is no right to carry out the tandem flight, if the weather conditions do not permit this. In the event of a delay or default, there is no entitlement to damages, refund of the flight fee (subject to the reservation of Section 7) or reimbursement of other expenses incurred. The claim for catching up the flight remains guaranteed. If the customer does not start the tandem paragliding flight or if he leaves the activity prematurely, the benefit entitlement forfeits. Arrival and departure in the flight area are the responsibility of the customer.

6.      (Co-operation) obligations of the customer

The customer expressly declares to be physically and mentally healthy, to have no cardiovascular diseases, balance disorders, nervous diseases or other diseases, including chronic diseases, and to be able to cope with the stresses of a paragliding flight. In case of doubt, it is the customer’s responsibility to have the suitability confirmed by a doctor. The customer undertakes to cancel the flight if there is no theoretical introduction or if he has not understood all or part of it; furthermore, if it is under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication.The customer undertakes to wear appropriate clothing (weather and wind resistant, suitable for soiling) and if possible sturdy shoes as well as the helmet provided by the pilot. Passengers under the age of 16 require the consent of a legal guardian. If no legal guardian is present, the consent must be in writing. The customer agrees to follow the instructions of the pilot unconditionally and immediately. This is for his own safety. In particular, failure to follow the theoretical introduction and instructions during take-off, flight and landing can endanger passengers and pilots. Failure to follow instructions from the pilot may exclude the customer from flying at Swiss Paragliding or cancel the flight.


7.      Withdrawal by the customer befor the start of the activity

The withdrawal must be made in writing and accompanied by the documents received (tickets, programmes, etc.). For the calculation of the cancellation costs, the arrival of the notification (in case of Sundays and general holidays the next working day) at the booking office is decisive. 

The date of the activity can be changed at the latest 5 days before the activity.

If the date of the activity is changed before the activity and/or the activity is cancelled, a processing fee of 40 CHF per booked service & person will be charged.

In addition to the administration fee, the following cancellation fee of the booked service will be charged.

14 – 07 days before the activity starts, 25% + 40 CHF per person 

07 – 05 days before the activity starts, 50% + 40 CHF per person 

02 – 00 days before the start of the activity 100%. 

If the client is unable to participate in the activity due to late arrival, or only to a limited extent, no refund will be made.


8.      Failure of the tandem paraglider flight after arrival of the customer at the flight area

The pilot is responsible for the execution of the flight and determines the details. The pilot is entitled to cancel the tandem paragliding flight if the customer gives legitimate cause to do so by action or omission or violates his duty to cooperate (see paragraph 6). As a result, the entitlement to benefits without entitlement to repayment of the flight fee expires. Should the flight operations be suspended due to events of force majeure (eg natural disasters, epidemics, riots), official measures or strikes or is the flight endangered or rendered impossible due to weather conditions, safety reasons or other reasons which make the performance of tandem paragliding flights considerably more difficult canceled or canceled, the already paid flight fee will be refunded. Further claims, in particular those for other expenses incurred, are excluded. If, for the reasons stated in the previous section, a tandem hang glider flight in the desired flying area can not be carried out, Swiss paragliding is entitled but not obliged to switch to another flying area. Any price difference in favor of the customer will be refunded. Dodge to another flight area is not permitted without the consent of the customer, if the customer has specifically indicated at the time of booking that they wish to carry out the tandem flight exclusively in the booked flight area.

9.      Insurance

The passenger is acting at his own risk and is not insured by Swiss-Praragliding.Paragliding is not considered a risky sport in Switzerland. Accidents are covered by Swiss accident insurance in accordance with UVG. It is the exclusive responsibility of the customer to clarify whether he has the necessary insurance and, if necessary, to conclude such.

10.      Complaints of the customer

Complaints of the customer are to be attached immediately after execution of the tandem paragliding flight in writing with Swiss paragliding and have to be confirmed. The confirmation by Swiss Paragliding does not give any acknowledgment of debt. Auxiliary persons of Swiss Paragliding are not entitled to the recognition of claims.Any claims for damages against Swiss paragliding must be made in writing within four weeks of the completion of the tandem hang glider flight.If no immediate complaint and / or timely collection of compensation claims, any claims are deemed to be forfeited and waiver is accepted.

11.    Liability and disclaimers

he transport in tandem paragliding is not subject to the liability provisions of the Ordinance on Air Transport of 17.08.2005. The liability of Swiss-Paragliding or of the pilot vis-à-vis the customer is contractually limited to CHF 72,500 for personal injury and CHF 2,000 for damage to property upon submission of the ticket. Any further liability, in particular also for auxiliary persons and for indirect and consequential damages, such as lost profit, claims of third parties, etc., is hereby expressly waived to the extent permitted by law.

Furthermore, the following special disclaimers apply: ·

·       If Swiss-paragliding transfers the execution of the tandem paragliding flight to a third party (see point 1), then it is not liable for its acts and omissions, in particular Swiss Paragliding shall not be liable for damages resulting from acts and omissions of the pilot, which are not related to the contracted service.·

·       Swiss paragliding is not liable for damages resulting from breach of the customer’s obligation to cooperate (see section 6).·

·       Swiss Paragliding is not liable for damages resulting from the actions of third parties or other participants, acts of God, natural disasters, official orders, etc.

The foregoing limitations and exclusions of liability also apply to non-contractual liability claims of the customer.

12.    Image and footage

The photos and videos made on the Swiss-Paragliding flights are the copyrighted property of Swiss-Paraglidung. Swiss paragliding is entitled to use this material for advertising purposes, even if the customer can be recognized, without incurring any costs for Swiss-Paraglidning towards the customer.

B.   Arranging activities of partner companies

1.         Services

Swiss-Paragliding mediates activities of various organizers on their website or on site by selling vouchers / tickets for these activities.

2.        Contract

The purchase contract (for the voucher tickets) between Swiss paragliding and the customer comes about as a result of the customer accepting the terms and conditions of the order and sending the voucher order online.The execution of the activity is the sole responsibility of the mediated organizer. After purchasing a voucher / ticket, the customer is obliged to arrange an appointment with the organizer. In the course of the ordering process, the customer receives the necessary contact details to the appropriate organizer.The contract regarding the booking and execution of the respective activity is concluded directly between the customer and the respective organizer. The fulfillment of the booked service does not constitute a performance obligation of Swiss-Prargliding. Swiss Paragliding is merely the mediator of the activities presented on its website or on site. Accordingly, the general terms and conditions of the respective organizer apply to the execution of the activities for which the voucher / ticket is entitled. Important contents from this (eg exclusion criteria, dates, locations) can be found in the description of the activities on the corresponding offer on the Swiss-Paragliding website.

3.    Voucher / Tickets

Vouchers / tickets entitle the customer within the validity period of the voucher to book and carry out the activity mentioned in the voucher with the organizer. In this case, the price stated in the voucher / ticket and the conditions for booking that are evident at the time of booking apply. Otherwise, the provisions of Section C.1 apply.

4.     Activities

The description of an activity on the website of Swiss Paragliding is correct at the time of their recruitment. However, the content of the activity may be subject to change, with Swiss-Paragliding endeavoring to update changes in the general description. The photos, pictures and videos used in connection with the activities offered are only intended to describe the respective activities. The pictures of the vehicles, planes and places u.a. are therefore not binding and may vary.The times of the respective activity published on the website of Swiss-Paragliding are indicative, may vary and are not binding. The activities may be completed in groups. Waiting times must be expected.Claims for damages due to misrepresentations, texts and prices or late delivery are excluded.

5.     Appointment

Participation in the activities depends on their availability. The final date is agreed by the customer himself with the organizer who notifies the customer of available dates. A timely booking is advisable, at least 14 days before the scheduled date is recommended.

If an appointment for the execution of the activity has been agreed and the customer does not appear, the voucher forfeits without replacement. The customer has to coordinate appointments with the organizer in good time and to inquire about any fees that may be incurred in case of delays or short-term cancellations. Corresponding regulations are a matter between the customer and the organizer. If such fees are due, they are to be paid by the customer directly to the organizer.

Numerous activities are subject to the weather. The customer will be informed about this in the activity descriptions. It may be necessary to query the weather conditions shortly before or on the day of participation at the organizer. This information must be obtained from the customer directly from the organizer. If the activity is not feasible due to the weather conditions, the customer can rebook the date for participation in the activity directly from the organizer. In this case, Swiss Paragliding will not assume the costs and expenses incurred by the customer in connection with the attempted or renewed redemption of the booked activity (eg travel expenses, accommodation, escorts, holidays, etc.).

6.     Entrance requirements

The minimum requirements arise from the description of the respective activity. Participation in an activity may require the fulfillment of personal requirements (e.g., height, age, health status, weight, fitness, driver’s license). The customer is familiar with these prerequisites from the description of the activities. He is also responsible for fulfilling the minimum requirement to participate in the particular activity. A refund of the booking price is excluded in case of non-fulfillment of the participation requirements.

7.      Loss of Activity

If, during an activity, a particular vehicle or equipment or the involvement of a particular person is part of the description and that vehicle, technical equipment or person is not available on the day of participation in the activity, the organizer reserves the right to make a corresponding replacement. If this is not possible, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the execution of the activity, even at short notice. Further information can be found in the terms and conditions of the respective organizer. The voucher / ticket will remain valid in this case.

8.     Changes of Services

Content deviations and changes to individual activities after purchase of a voucher are only necessary if they are not significant and do not significantly affect the overall content and the effect of the booked activity. Changes to the booked experience will be communicated to the buyer after knowledge acquisition by Swiss Paragliding.In the case of a substantial change in content of an activity, the customer is entitled, provided the voucher / ticket has not already been redeemed, to withdraw from the purchase contract free of charge or – if offered by Swiss-Paragliding – to choose a voucher for another equivalent activity.

9.    Insurance

Insurance is the responsibility of the participant.

10.   Liabilty

The liability for damages from slightly negligent acts, for acts of auxiliary persons and for indirect and consequential damages, like lost profits, claims of third parties, etc., is completely waived.Furthermore, the following special disclaimers apply:

·       Swiss paragliding is not liable for damages caused by acts or omissions of the organizer or his assistants.·

·       Descriptions and picture / video material on the website or in the advertising documents of Swiss-Paragliding do not constitute an assurance of Swiss Paragliding to the customer and will not be part of the agency contract.·

·       Swiss Paraglding assumes no responsibility for the topicality, correctness, legality, completeness or quality of the content of websites that are accessible via links on the website of Swiss Paragliding.

The foregoing limitations and exclusions of liability also apply to non-contractual liability claims of the customer.

11.    Resignation by Swiss paragliding

Until booking an activity by the customer with the organizer, Swiss Paragliding is entitled to withdraw from the contract for good cause. As an important reason z. B .:

·        In the meantime the organizer is no longer partner company of Swiss-Paragliding or has generally ceased his trade;·

·       The minimum number of participants stated in the description of the experience is not achieved;·

·       The organizer is not economically reasonable to carry out the activities;·

·       Force majeure.

If one of these cases occurs, Swiss-Paragliding informs the customer immediately. In the event of withdrawal from the contract for good cause, the customer will immediately receive back the booking price paid to Swiss Paragliding. The customer also has the option of booking an equivalent experience from the Swiss-Prargliding offer. Further claims against Swiss paragliding, in particular claims for damages (eg travel expenses, accommodation), are excluded.

C.    Common provisions

1.    Voucher

Even if the vouchers are in the name, they are not personal and therefore freely transferable. Swiss paragliding (tandem hangglider flight according to section A) or the organizer (activities according to section B) consider the respective first presenter of a voucher entitled to use the service mentioned in the voucher. Swiss Paragliding or the organizer have the right, but not the obligation, to check whether the transferee rightfully owns the voucher and is entitled to receive the service. By providing the service to the first referrer, the claim of any poster of a coupon having the same code is undermined and there is no right to compensation, even if the later referrer can prove a better right on the coupon.

The validity period of vouchers is two years from the date of issue. During this period, the risk of price increases for the service lies with Swiss paragliding (tandem paragliding according to section A) or the organizer (activities according to section B). Vouchers can no longer be redeemed after expiry of the validity period. If the service specified in the voucher is not claimed and carried out within the deadline, waiver will be accepted.The vouchers can not be exchanged or refunded. If the presenter of the voucher, as long as no appointment has taken place, use a different than in the coupon mentioned tandem paragliding (section A) or other than mentioned in the coupon activity of the same organizer (section B), the value of the voucher fully credited. If the value of the voucher is higher than that of the desired tandem paraglider flight or the desired activity, there is no entitlement to disbursement of the unclaimed value of the voucher and the remaining balance will be forfeited without replacement.

If vouchers are ordered online (hereinafter referred to as “e-voucher”), the order will be confirmed to the customer by e-mail. If the customer decides on the payment method “Invoice”, the customer will receive the invoice with the confirmation e-mail. The invoice amount is due for payment immediately. After receipt of the payment, the e-voucher will be sent immediately by e-mail, if paying by invoice within two to three working days as a PDF file. After printing on white, previously unprinted plain paper in the minimum format A5 and in portrait format with a resolution of at least 600dpi, the e-voucher can be redeemed. The e-voucher must be presented to Swiss-Paragliding or the organizer in full and in the minimum format A5. Incorrectly readable e-vouchers are invalid for redemption. The e-vouchers are provided with a forgery-proof code. The customer acts improperly and in enrichment intention, if he prints the e-coupon several times; reproduced or redirected with the intention of redeeming it on multiple occasions or having it redeemed by third parties. If Swiss paragliding detects an abuse, not yet redeemed e-vouchers expire without replacement. The assertion of damages by Swiss Paragliding remains reserved. Complaints in connection with the order of vouchers must be made in writing immediately, but no later than within a week after receipt of the invoice or e-voucher, otherwise waiver is accepted.

2.    Transmission Failure

The customer bears the damage arising from the use of electronic transmission types, namely loss, delay, misunderstandings, mutilation, illegibility and duplicate copies, unless Swiss-Paragliding is guilty of gross negligence. Swiss Paragliding is not liable for damages caused by disruptions or interruptions of any cause, especially in the telephone and Internet operation, as long as Swiss Paragliding has used the usual care.

3.                Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

All legal relationships between the customer and Swiss Paragliding are subject exclusively to Swiss law. Place of performance and exclusive place of jurisdiction for all proceedings is Interlaken, Switzerland. However, Swiss Paragliding has the right to prosecute the customer at the competent court of his domicile or at any other competent court, whereby Swiss law remains applicable. Mandatory jurisdiction provisions of Swiss law prevail. 

4. Final Provisions

Should individual provisions of these Terms and Conditions be or become ineffective, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a new provision which, in terms of its economic and legal effect, comes as close as possible to the invalid provision.

Agreements deviating from these conditions require the express consent of Swiss-Paragliding and the written form. Swiss Paragliding reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any time. In each case, the terms and conditions published on the Swiss-Paragliding website apply. Decisive is the German version.

Stand Januar 2019

General Rental Conditions

  1. Scope of application

The vehicle rent service is provided by Swiss Paragliding& Adventure GmbH in Interlaken (hereinafter referred to as Lessor) who is owner of the vehicles. The rental conditions are an integral constituent part of the rental contract. When signing the contract, the lessee confirms that he has read the rental conditions and accepts these unconditionally.

  1.            Contractual relationships

The contract will be concluded between the customer and Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH. Partners will act as intermediaries for the vehicle rental service.

  1.            Taking delivery of the vehicle

The lessee will take delivery of the vehicle in an operationally safe and clean state. Any complaints from the lessee must be notified to the lessor when the vehicle is handed over. The lessee must prove his/her identity by means of presenting an official document (passport, identity card, travel card, ½ price discount card, driver’s licence).

The lessee confirms that he has the appropriate driving license if the type of vehicle required it. In the case of several vehicles, the undersigned tenant shall assume the full responsibility of his group.

  1. Returning the vehicle

The lessee is obliged to return the vehicle to the lessor at the time of expiry of the rental period as stated in the rental contract and at the place specified in the rental contract during business hours. The lessee will be liable to pay the rental price for rental objects which are returned too late or to the wrong location as well as also any costs incurred as a consequence. The vehicle, as well as all accessories supplied by the lessor, such as for example keys, bike helmets, etc. must be returned to the lessor in a fault-free condition upon return of the vehicle. The lessee will be billed in the case of loss of or damage to the accessories.

  1.            Extension of the rental period

An extension of the rental relationship is possible only with the approval of the lessor prior to termination of the current rental relationship. The lessor may refuse an extension without specifying reasons. The rental price will be re-calculated; the surcharge must be paid at the latest when returning the vehicle.

       5.1          Return after rental period

If the vehicle is returned after the agreed rental period, the two hourly rate will be charged for each started hour.

  1.            Minimum age of lessee

Children and adolescents must be accompanied by an adult. Rental bikes may only be handed out to children and adolescents under the age of 16 who are not accompanied by an adult with the written approval from their parents or guardian. Due to legal regulations the minimum age for using an e-bike with a motor capable of speeds up to max. 25 km/h is 16 years (holders of a moped licence, 14 years).

  1.            Service and prices

The prices stated in the price list as published by the lessor in the brochure, which are valid at the time of the rental, shall apply inclusive of the terms and conditions for discounts stated in the price list. Printing errors will be excepted. Discounts will only be granted on presentation of the corresponding document proving identity. Discounts will be granted at the location and cannot be combined with other discounts.

  1.            Cancellation / Abandonment of the rental

Confirmed reservations may be cancelled free of charge up to 24 hours before the rental period commences. In the case of cancellations made less than 24 hours before the rental period commences, as also in the case of rentals which are not commenced, 100% of the rental price will be charged. Should the rental be abandoned the lessee will not have any claim to reimbursement of the fee for the rental time remaining at the time the rental was abandoned.

  1.            Liability and Insurance

Insurance is the responsibility of the lessee. With the conclusion of the rental contract, the lessee confirms that he/she has adequate cover for the risks which a ride with a bicycle or an e- vehicle entails. Liability will also apply to costs relating to damages, such as expert witnesses’ fees; loss of value or loss of rental income.

There is a motor vehicle liability insurance for registered vehicles. While rules of the insurance policies concluded by the lessor. It is expressly noted that there is no fully comprehensive insurance for these vehicles. When not matriculated, but vehicle subject to such, the obligation to conclude a liability insurance policy, and to redeem it on the road traffic Office meets the tenant.

9.2          Defects during the rental period

In the case of defects during the rental period, the lessee may exchange the vehicle at the rental station. The lessee is, in all cases, responsible for the return of the vehicle to the rental station.


9.3          Damages, theft and loss

The lessee is obliged to inform the lessor concerning any damages or losses which occur. The lessee is liable for all damages to the rental object and its accessories during the rental period caused by falls, vandalism, forces of nature, manipulation, incurred during transport as well as also due to improper use or use in any manner other than that which was originally intended. Customers will be directly charged at the rental station for costs resulting from minor damages and loss of materials as per the official price list. The lessee will be liable for theft or loss of the rental object or the accessories during the rental period. The vehicle must, as a matter of principle, always be secured. In cases of loss the lessee will be charged the replacement value. Should the lessee hand over the vehicle to a third party he/she will, as a matter of principle, be responsible for damages and consequential damages caused to the vehicle by third parties.

9.4          Accidents

Accidents and falls resulting in material damage must, in all cases, be reported to Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH immediately. Should individuals be injured and/or third party material damages be incurred or a third party be involved as the possible (co-)causer, then the police must be involved immediately and an accident report must be completed. A copy of this report must be sent to us.

9.5         Accident Insurance

The lessee is not insured by the owner. Each participant is responsible for a sufficient sickness and accident insurance cover (including sports).

  1. Insurance Packages

Insurance packages can be solved at the rental office, including liability, damage and theft. Apply the prices agreed in the rental agreement and their their deductibles. Sickness and accident insurance cover as you taste the Mietausfalls are excluded, as well as the insurance will be void if grossly negligent breaches of the road traffic Act. The provisions given in the insurance policies concluded by the lessor.

  1.          Use / Bans

The lessee undertakes to comply with road traffic regulations and to use the vehicle appropriately and carefully. The lessee is responsible for all damages caused to the rental object or third party objects as a result of negligence or improper use of the rental object. The following are not permitted: any form of wrongful use of the vehicle; transportation of one or more additional persons on the luggage carrier and/or riding over obstacles which could obviously cause damage to the vehicle. The use of the rental objects for racing purposes is forbidden. The use and wearing of the helmets provided free of charge is voluntary and at one’s own risk. The lessor rejects any and all liability in this matter.

  1.          Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

This contract is subject to Swiss law. Terms and Condition in the  German Version apply’s. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Interlaken.

Stand January 2019

General Information


By accessing this website and its pages, you declare that you have understood and acknowledged the following information in connection with this website and the elements contained therein. If you do not agree with the following terms and conditions, you refrain from accessing this website and its pages (hereinafter referred to as “ website”). Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH assumes no responsibility and gives no guarantee that the functions on the website are available without interruption, that the website is flawless and that Website or the respective server is free of viruses or other harmful components, or that any errors that have occurred are remedied within a certain period of time.

No offers

The purpose of the website is to obtain information about the services of The information does not constitute an offer in the legal sense.

Rights to the Website

All rights to the elements of this website, in particular copyright and trademark rights, belong exclusively to, unless otherwise stated. The elements may only be used freely for browsing purposes; any other use in any form, in particular reproduction and retransmission, requires the prior written consent of

The word-image mark “Swiss Paragliding tandem flights & adventure” is registered in the trademark register and protected. No part of the website is designed to grant a license or right to use an image, registered trademark or logo. By downloading or copying the website, you are granted no rights with regard to any elements of the website or the software necessary for their use.

Links to other websites has not reviewed the websites linked to the website and is not responsible for their content. The connection to the linked websites is at your own risk.

Personal Data wants to give you as much control over your personal data as possible. Normally, you can access our website without giving any information about yourself. But sometimes we need your name and address. If you decide to provide us with personal information via the Internet or e-mail so that we can, for example, correspond with you or execute orders, we will treat them in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

No assurance of the accuracy of the information; limitation of liability has made every effort to ensure that the opinions and other information displayed on the website are accurate at the time of publication. Nevertheless, neither nor its contractual partners can make an explicit or implicit assurance or guarantee regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the stated opinions and information. refuses all liability for damages caused by the use of the website, as far as they are not due to unlawful intent or gross negligence of its auxiliary persons. The website is multilingual. It may therefore lead to differences in the actuality of the individual information within the two languages. Decisive is the German-language version. assumes no liability for the data published in the website. The website is maintained from Switzerland. The website can be accessed from other countries that have different laws. In case of dispute, however, Swiss law applies. For all disputes Gsteigwiler / Switzerland is the place of jurisdiction.

Changes to this policy reserves the right to change the above practice at any time, but undertakes to publish changes immediately on its website.

Stand January 2019

Privacy Policy 

The protection of your privacy when processing personal data is very important to us. This Privacy Statement describes how the personally identifiable information we collect is handled during your visit to Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH websites. We cannot offer any guarantee for external websites linked from an Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH website. This website uses Google Analytics.

Collection and processing of personal data

You may visit our site without providing any personal information. We only store anonymous data about your visit, e.g. the name of your internet service provider, the page from which you accessed our site, or the name of a file you have requested. This information is used solely to improve our website and does not reveal any personal information about you. Personal data is collected only if you provide it on a voluntary basis to order goods, open a customer account or subscribe to our newsletter. We use the information you provide only to fulfil and process your order unless we have your separate consent for any other purpose. Once the contract has been fully processed and the purchase price has been paid in full, your data is blocked from further use and then deleted after the legal retention period unless you have given us your express consent to continue using your data. If you subscribe to the newsletter your e-mail address will be used for our own advertising purposes until such time as you unsubscribe. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Use of cookies

We use cookies on various pages to make visits to our site more attractive and to facilitate the use of certain functions. To enable you to benefit from advertising that might be relevant to you and your needs, we use the remarketing function via Google Analytics. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer. Most of the cookies we use are “session cookies”, which are deleted from your hard disk at the end of your browser session. Other cookies, known as “permanent cookies”, remain on your computer and enable us to recognise you when you next visit our site. Our partner companies are not permitted to use cookies to collect or process personal data on our site. You may limit or disable the storage and reading of cookies in your browser by going to Tools > Internet Options > Privacy (Internet Explorer) or Options > Privacy (Firefox). Please note that certain functions on our site cannot be used without cookies.

Disclosure of personal data to third partiesYour data will be shared with our delivery partners only insofar as this is necessary in order to deliver your goods. We will share your payment details with our bank for the purpose of processing your payment. The bank will process this data only to the extent that we ourselves are permitted to do so. Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties for any other purpose.

Encryption of personal data, data security

During the ordering process, we use using “Secure Socket Layer (SSL)” technology to ensure that your personal data is transferred over the internet with encryption. Credit card information is not stored, but is collected and processed directly by our payment service provider Datatrans AG. We secure our website and other systems by means of technical and organisational measures against loss, destruction, access, modification or distribution of your data by unauthorised persons. Access to your account is only possible after entering your personal password. You should always keep your payment information confidential and close the browser window when you have finished your communication with us, especially if you share your computer with others.

Right of access and rectification

In accordance with the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (DSG), you have the right to be informed at no charge of the data stored about you (Art. 8 DSG) and to request that it be corrected (Art. 5 Para. 2 DSG). Requests for information can also be sent electronically to the competent body. Please direct any questions on collection and processing of your personal data and access and correction requests to:

Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH
Centralstrasse 5
CH-3800 Interlaken
Tel. +41 (0)79 104 66 77


You will only receive Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH newsletters upon providing consent. You may opt out of receiving further newsletters at any time. Please note that by your reading our newsletters, we automatically receive information on how our newsletters are used and which information finds particular interest.

Legal basis

The Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (DSG) constitutes the basis of this Privacy Statement.

Changes to this Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement may be updated at any time. For this reason, we recommend that you regularly reread this Privacy Statement to ensure that you are familiar with any changes.
Last updated: April 2019
Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH


Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH strives to always observe the copyrights of others. Reproduction, adaptation, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent. Downloads and copies of this site are for private, non-commercial use only. For every use, the provisions of copyright law apply. Imitations, of whatever kind, are inadmissible. The internet presence is managed by Switzerland and Germany. This homepage can be accessed from other countries that have different laws. In case of dispute, however, Swiss law applies. For all disputes Bern / Switzerland is the place of jurisdiction.

The design, functionality, programming and structure of the website is protected. The use of texts, graphics and images requires the prior written consent.

 Swiss Paragliding & Adventure Gmbh

Central street 5
CH-3814 Interlaken / Switzerland

UID number: CHE-370.130.230
VAT number: CHE-370,130,230 VAT

Under the management of David Eienberger

Booking Phone
+41 (0) 79 104 66 77


Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The content of the linked pages are the sole responsibility of their operators.

© Layout, concept, images, text material and content … Swiss Paragliding © Programming, Setup and Publishing … Jellyfruit Multimedia Lab

The Bernese Oberland invites you to linger.

The landscape around the two lakes of Thun and Brienz as well as the Alpine ridge with the three-pronged Eiger Mönch and Jungfrau attract guests from all over the world. Discover the diversity of our region with all its attractions and leisure activities that has something for every generation. Our partner accommodations welcome you warmly and look forward to pampering you, be it a spa weekend or culinary delights of the kitchen, ranging from traditional to oriental.

Our Selection of Accommodations



By accessing this website and its pages, you declare that you have understood and acknowledged the following information in connection with this website and the elements contained therein. If you do not agree with the following terms and conditions, you refrain from accessing this website and its pages (hereinafter referred to as “ website”). Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH assumes no responsibility and gives no guarantee that the functions on the website are available without interruption, that the website is flawless and that Website or the respective server is free of viruses or other harmful components, or that any errors that have occurred are remedied within a certain period of time.

No offers

The purpose of the website is to obtain information about the services of The information does not constitute an offer in the legal sense.

Rights to the Website

All rights to the elements of this website, in particular copyright and trademark rights, belong exclusively to, unless otherwise stated. The elements may only be used freely for browsing purposes; any other use in any form, in particular reproduction and retransmission, requires the prior written consent of

The word-image trademark “Swiss Paragliding tandem flights & adventure” is registered in the trademark register and protected. No part of the website is designed to grant a license or right to use an image, registered trademark or logo. By downloading or copying the website, you are granted no rights with regard to any elements of the website or the software necessary for their use.

Links to other websites has not reviewed the websites linked to the website and is not responsible for their content. The connection to the linked websites is at your own risk.

Personal Data wants to give you as much control over your personal data as possible. Normally, you can access our website without giving any information about yourself. But sometimes we need your name and address. If you decide to provide us with personal information via the Internet or e-mail so that we can, for example, correspond with you or execute orders, we will treat them in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

No assurance of the accuracy of the information; limitation of liability has made every effort to ensure that the opinions and other information displayed on the website are accurate at the time of publication. Nevertheless, neither nor its contractual partners can make an explicit or implicit assurance or guarantee regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the stated opinions and information. refuses all liability for damages caused by the use of the website, as far as they are not due to unlawful intent or gross negligence of its auxiliary persons. The website is multilingual. It may therefore lead to differences in the actuality of the individual information within the two languages. Decisive is the German-language version. assumes no liability for the data published in the website. The website is maintained from Switzerland. The website can be accessed from other countries that have different laws. In case of dispute, however, Swiss law applies. For all disputes Gsteigwiler / Switzerland is the place of jurisdiction.

Changes to this policy reserves the right to change the above practice at any time, but undertakes to publish changes immediately on its website.

Stand January 2020


Privacy Policy 

The protection of your privacy when processing personal data is very important to us. This Privacy Statement describes how the personally identifiable information we collect is handled during your visit to Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH websites. We cannot offer any guarantee for external websites linked from an Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH website. This website uses Google Analytics.

Collection and processing of personal data

You may visit our site without providing any personal information. We only store anonymous data about your visit, e.g. the name of your internet service provider, the page from which you accessed our site, or the name of a file you have requested. This information is used solely to improve our website and does not reveal any personal information about you. Personal data is collected only if you provide it on a voluntary basis to order goods, open a customer account or subscribe to our newsletter. We use the information you provide only to fulfil and process your order unless we have your separate consent for any other purpose. Once the contract has been fully processed and the purchase price has been paid in full, your data is blocked from further use and then deleted after the legal retention period unless you have given us your express consent to continue using your data. If you subscribe to the newsletter your e-mail address will be used for our own advertising purposes until such time as you unsubscribe. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Use of cookies

We use cookies on various pages to make visits to our site more attractive and to facilitate the use of certain functions. To enable you to benefit from advertising that might be relevant to you and your needs, we use the remarketing function via Google Analytics. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer. Most of the cookies we use are “session cookies”, which are deleted from your hard disk at the end of your browser session. Other cookies, known as “permanent cookies”, remain on your computer and enable us to recognise you when you next visit our site. Our partner companies are not permitted to use cookies to collect or process personal data on our site. You may limit or disable the storage and reading of cookies in your browser by going to Tools > Internet Options > Privacy (Internet Explorer) or Options > Privacy (Firefox). Please note that certain functions on our site cannot be used without cookies.

Disclosure of personal data to third parties

Your data will be shared with our delivery partners only insofar as this is necessary in order to deliver your goods. We will share your payment details with our bank for the purpose of processing your payment. The bank will process this data only to the extent that we ourselves are permitted to do so. Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties for any other purpose.

Encryption of personal data, data security

During the ordering process, we use using “Secure Socket Layer (SSL)” technology to ensure that your personal data is transferred over the internet with encryption. Credit card information is not stored, but is collected and processed directly by our payment service provider Datatrans AG. We secure our website and other systems by means of technical and organisational measures against loss, destruction, access, modification or distribution of your data by unauthorised persons. Access to your account is only possible after entering your personal password. You should always keep your payment information confidential and close the browser window when you have finished your communication with us, especially if you share your computer with others.

Right of access and rectification

In accordance with the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (DSG), you have the right to be informed at no charge of the data stored about you (Art. 8 DSG) and to request that it be corrected (Art. 5 Para. 2 DSG). Requests for information can also be sent electronically to the competent body. Please direct any questions on collection and processing of your personal data and access and correction requests to:

Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH
Centralstrasse 5
CH-3800 Interlaken
Tel. +41 (0)79 104 66 77


You will only receive Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH newsletters upon providing consent. You may opt out of receiving further newsletters at any time. Please note that by your reading our newsletters, we automatically receive information on how our newsletters are used and which information finds particular interest.

Legal basis

The Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (DSG) constitutes the basis of this Privacy Statement.

Changes to this Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement may be updated at any time. For this reason, we recommend that you regularly reread this Privacy Statement to ensure that you are familiar with any changes.
Last updated: April 2019
Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH



Swiss Paragliding & Adventure GmbH strives to always observe the copyrights of others. Reproduction, adaptation, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent. Downloads and copies of this site are for private, non-commercial use only. For every use, the provisions of copyright law apply. Imitations, of whatever kind, are inadmissible. The internet presence is managed by Switzerland and Germany. This homepage can be accessed from other countries that have different laws. In case of dispute, however, Swiss law applies. For all disputes Bern / Switzerland is the place of jurisdiction.

The design, functionality, programming and structure of the website is protected. The use of texts, graphics and images requires the prior written consent.


Swiss Paragliding & Adventure Gmbh 

Centralstrasse 5
CH-3800 Interlaken / Switzerland

UID Nummer     : CHE-370.130.230
MWST Nummer: CHE-370.130.230 MWST

Under the management of David Eienberger

Booking Phone
+41 (0)79 104 66 77

Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The content of the linked pages are the sole responsibility of their operators.

© Layout, concept, images, text material and content … Swiss Paragliding © Programming, Setup and Publishing … Jellyfruit Multimedia Lab